Arkansas Act 196 of 2011 requires insurers to cover autism treatment and diagnosis.
We provide strategy consulting services, at a nominal rate, focusing on strategic topics like person-centered planning strategies, policy making partnerships and fundamental strategies in an advisory capacity.
ALEXANDER'S SECRET, INC. is organized exclusively for charitable purposes, to provide customized opportunities and resources to improve the success of the transition process of LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL for children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the training and community education to accomplish this goal.
Arkansas Act 196 of 2011 requires insurers to cover autism treatment and diagnosis.
Creating partnerships in the pursuit of a better future for persons with developmental disabilities.
2011-2018 PAIMI/AC; Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness/Advisory Council member.
Thank you in advance for your donation.
Consumer's use of the Strategy Consulting Service from ALEXANDER'S SECRET, INC. is not intended to create and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between consumer and any person or entity connected with ALEXANDER'S SECRET, INC. the Strategy Consulting Service SHOULD NOT be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer whom a consumer has/may have retained. Neither the Service, the Content, the Documentation nor any communication between ALEXANDER'S SECRET, INC. and Consumer of Services or any user is intended to provide and in no event shall it be treated as providing or constituting legal advice.